
Welcome to my photo blog! after trying a couple of different ways to present my pictures online (including some that I failed at, such as the popular "Project 365") I decided to experiment with a photo blog. No strict rules about frequency or content, just a picture or two with a short description each time. I rarely edit my pics - out of general habit, and lack of know-how :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Work setup 2010-05-16

This is what my desk at the MAGIC lab looks like. The green on one monitor is due to... actually I'm not entirely sure. The mess on the bench in the background has since been cleaned up, and the small monitor points the other way now on Cam's desk :)

05/16/2010 - multi monitor setup

I thought the number of monitors was amusing considering that, for my other job, it looks like:

05/16/2010 - multi monitor setup

its like the analog equivalent of having a multi-monitor setup :)

Above you see the girls practicing for the number "Beautiful Girls" in Singin' in the Rain. There is an overhead camera pointed down on the circle and the video is projected onto a screen that is used for other effects during the show. Unfortunately I never got to see what that image looks like, since after the show is put together us orchestra members will be confined to the pit underneath the stage...