
Welcome to my photo blog! after trying a couple of different ways to present my pictures online (including some that I failed at, such as the popular "Project 365") I decided to experiment with a photo blog. No strict rules about frequency or content, just a picture or two with a short description each time. I rarely edit my pics - out of general habit, and lack of know-how :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

not enough monitors :P
Not enough monitors. Running Synergy allows you to share desktops across multiple computers. It was fun but not that useful, in this case.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

there's no place like yvr, home

no matter where i travel to, it always feels good to be back in vancouver. (or in this case, richmond, which is close enough :p)


It was a spectacular day for a winter bike ride. Here's the gps track for it.