Try to go there at least once a year. The crowds are huge on weekends, and the food is (imho) often hit and miss. This year the one of the new-and-gimmicky foods seem to be the
Hurricane Potato Skewer - basically, as my friend Gabe tried to downplay - fries on a stick. Nevertheless, the potato lover that is me really wanted to try it. The ridiculously long lines prevented me from doing so.
Things that were good:
- Popcorn (sweet + salty + delicious)
- Crispy Chicken (very well made, verified by my TW friends)
Things that were meh:
- Rice "hamburger" (meat too salty; rice too dry)
- Lamb kabobs (an authentic Chinese lamb kabob usually has smaller bits of meat and lots of seasoning... the ones I tried was more like chunks of steak. some might like that)