
Welcome to my photo blog! after trying a couple of different ways to present my pictures online (including some that I failed at, such as the popular "Project 365") I decided to experiment with a photo blog. No strict rules about frequency or content, just a picture or two with a short description each time. I rarely edit my pics - out of general habit, and lack of know-how :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

DiVA AURA recording 2010-07-26

The linguistics part of our project involves the study of how performers learn to speak using DiVA and as such, recordings are made at the linguistics lab at certain points during the learning/practicing process. During these recordings, the performer is verbally given a target phrase. They then have to say the phrase, and then attempt to "say" it again using the DiVA.

The recorded data includes:

- The performer's own voice repeating the target phrase
- Voice from the DiVA
- Head position (using an OptiTrack)
- Video frame of the performer's upper body

The data is then analysed by the linguistics folk. (Details mostly beyond my realm of knowledge ;)

Here we see one of our musicians, Erica, in front of the green screen in the ISRL lab calibrating the video frame.

Thanks Cam for bringing the DSLR :)


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